Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Growing Up

It's hard to believe it's been two years. Two years since we graduated from college, got married, moved, and became adults (or tried). Everything we had always talked about in college happened in about a second. It was awesome, crazy, exciting, and scary all at the same time.

During the past two years there have been a variety of emotions. 

I actually married my high school sweetheart. How does that happen? We first dated in 8th grade until I tragically ended it. Josh knew so early that things with us were right. He was, is, and probably will always be the level headed one. I tend to make quick decisions and unfortunately at times over think things. Who finds their husband in 8th grade??? Apparently this girl. I thank God for the wonderful man that he is.
We headed south after the wedding to Sanibel Island, FL. SO-MUCH-FUN. I have never eaten so much sushi, felt so free as a bird, or been so stinkin' lazy. Absolute heaven. 
Then it was the last night and I felt weird. My wedding, my honeymoon all over. College was all over. Living at home was all over. 

Welcome to reality Dee Dee, you're now a big kid. I may have cried that night. Bless Josh. 

Once we headed with a moving truck up to Louisville the excitement returned (still anxious about the unknown) but we were actually doing it! Josh was started dental school at U of L later that month, we settled into our first apartment together, and I got a first grade teaching position (praise the Lord!) and life was grand. 

I had just been so excited about all of the new things that were headed my way, I hand't taken the time to really absorb everything that was happening. I think it all hit me on that last night of our honeymoon. It kept hitting me for about 10 months. I have learned so much about myself in the past two years. So much about my priorities, about not being a control freak, about loving someone, and about growing up. More on all of these things to come. Growing up can be quite funny. 

 It can be rough and it is awesome and I love it. 


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